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Event recap: MWC Barcelona 2022

Viber johnny-beverton
Johnny Beverton
Senior Marketing Operations Manager at Rakuten Viber
March 16, 2022
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Event recap: MWC Barcelona 2022

The team were thrilled to return to Barcelona for Mobile World Congress 2022. Our Senior Director of Business Messaging Solutions Etienne Dupont attended panels with Mobile Squared and MEF. The MEF panel is available to watch below.

MEF's ‘The Future of Mobile Summit‘ was on the world-stage at MWC in Barcelona setting the agenda for what’s to come in 2022, with a focus on The Future of Messaging, Trust in Mobile, including IoT Security, The Future of Identity & Authentication and RCS 360.

Etienne was part of the Trust in Mobile panel - the future of the industry rests on the ability to deliver a good and secure experience. The industry is at a cross roads with key issues mounting on Privacy, IoT and Phishing.

  • Isabelle Paradis, Founder and President – Hot Telecom
  • Charles Upchurch, CEO – Global Message Services
  • Dario Betti, CEO – MEF
  • Virginie Debris, Chief Product Officer – Global Message Services
  • Katia Gonzalez, Head of Fraud and Security & Chair – BICS & i3Forum Fraud Fight Group
  • Brendan Cleary, CEO – Cellusys
  • Etienne Dupont, Senior Director of Business Messaging Solutions – Rakuten Viber
  • Jimmy Jones, Head of Security – Zariot
  • Nassia Skoulikariti, Director of IoT – MEF
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