Rakuten Viber for Business
Customer relationships are complicated, but they don’t have to be. Find out what we can do for your business.
Advertising solutions
Promote your product or service to get incremental visibility and reach out to new customers, thanks to our Ads and Stickers features.
Messaging solutions
Engage your customers and targets under a 1 • 2 • 1 conversation.
Maximise your presence
Our Rakuten Viber for Business solutions cater for your customers' complete user journey
Stay in contact
Increase your visibility and reach a wider audience with ads, stickers, targeted messages and offers
Stand out with strong imagery and video content and invite prospects to interact with you
Engage and target your audience through different ad placements across the app
Effortlessly segment your existing and prospective customers to customize your communications
Grow your relationship with every single chat
Offer real-time customer support, any time of the day (or night)
Make it easy for customers to do business with you, straight from their messaging app
Send crucial and sensitive information that you don’t want your customers to miss
Facilitate your customers to purchase your products directly on Rakuten Viber
Stay in contact
Send relevant ads, messages, promotions and offers to retain customer interest
Maintain a relationship and reward loyalty
Lost touch? Remind them you are here to help
Want to know more about Rakuten Viber for Business?
Get in touch and our team will get you started
See how Viber for Business helps brands grow
Success stories