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Improve customer service with Viber messaging solutions

Viber berina-tanovic
Berina Tanovic
Sales Director at Rakuten Viber
May 23, 2022
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Improve customer service with Viber messaging solutions

Did you know that 73% of customers prefer messaging with businesses? If you're looking for a messaging solution for your business that has a focus on customer service, then you should definitely check out Viber. Viber is a great choice for medium and large businesses, and it offers a variety of features that can help you deliver an excellent customer service experience, stay in touch with your customers and provide them with the support they need.

Affordable and easy-to-use, Viber Business Messages lets you easily manage all of your customer service conversations in one place. This means that you can respond to customer queries quickly and efficiently, and you can also keep track of all your customer service interactions in one central location.

A suite of tools to improve customer service: Viber Business Messages and Viber Chatbots

Simply put, Viber Business Messages is a way for companies to communicate with their customers in real time via their official Viber business account. If your business is like most, you know that customer service is important. You also know that it can be a challenge to provide the best possible assistance. That's where Viber can help.

There are three types of Viber Business Messages, and all fit well to customer service needs.

  • Conversational messages let you have a dialogue with your customers, and not just be a one-way communication
  • Transactional messages keep your buyers updated about the status of their order, be it purchase, delivery or a bank transaction
  • Promotional messages are a great way to keep your customers informed about product updates, special offers and promotions.
Different types of Viber Business Messages

A great thing about the use of Viber Business Messages for customer service is that you don’t need to limit them just to text. In fact, messages that include rich media, images or stickers tend to get better engagement and results.

Getting started with Viber Business Messages is easy. An API is available, making it easy to connect and start conversations with your customers in no time.

Viber Chatbots is another powerful tool to use in customer service. There are many benefits of using Viber Chatbots for companies, some of which include: 

  • Customer service tasks automation, such as answering FAQs
  • 24/7 support: Viber chatbots can provide 24/7 customer service, which can be extremely beneficial for companies who want to offer excellent service
  • Increasing sales by providing personalized recommendations and suggestions
  • Improving customer engagement through a more interactive and immersive experience.

It’s easy to create a Viber Chatbot and connect it to our API. Just follow three simple steps to create a chatbot yourself or with one of our partners.

Examples of Viber Chatbots

Once you start using these solutions, you will quickly see that Viber is a powerful communication tool that lets you connect with your customers in a more personal and efficient way. You can quickly respond to user inquiries, resolve issues, and build better relationships with your customers, all ultimately resulting in better ROI and more sales.

How Viber can help improve your business’ customer service

Send and receive messages in real-time. With Viber, you can quickly respond to buyer inquiries. This means that your customers will get the information they need in a timely manner, and can avoid the frustration of waiting for a response. And if you are using Viber Chatbots, this can be a great way to offer 24/7 support and resolve issues even faster. There's no need to wait for a phone call or an email—the customers will hear from you right away. 

Track customer support requests. If a customer has an issue, you can use Viber to quickly resolve it. People will be happy with your service, and you can avoid the hassle of dealing with customer complaints. This transparency leads to increased customer satisfaction. But also, you can use this knowledge to share with other departments in your organization to help them improve the product or service, and the customer service messaging becomes another form of analytics.

Create a knowledge base. By using Viber to communicate with your clients, you can be building a base of most frequently asked questions, thus having the answers ready when asked. Being able to provide quick answers leads to building better relationships with audiences. This way, you can create a loyal customer base that will be more likely to do business with you in the future.

Personalize customer service. With Viber, businesses can provide a more personalized service. You can add a personal touch to your messages, and customers will appreciate the extra effort. If you are using a CDP, we encourage you to send messages based on customer segment interests or their steps in the purchase journey. It is easy to build such communication through Viber, and it makes the customer feel special thanks to the brand’s knowledge of their choices and preferences.

Inform customers about what’s new. Viber can be used for increased engagement to start conversations with customers and to keep them updated on new products and services. It's easy to keep your users engaged with your brand. And it’s not just a one-way communication. You can always use conversations on Viber to collect feedback and ask your customers what they think about your new products and services.

Train your customer service team quickly and efficiently. Viber Business Messaging Solutions are easy to use, so you can get your team up and running in no time. It’s all intuitive and doesn’t require special knowledge or major training.

Automate your messages. When something can be automated, it should be! Your staff can focus on more difficult tasks that can’t be solved by a robot. There are many types of messages that can be automated, from FAQs like store hours to updates on the order status, or even the happy birthday messages.

Improving customer service with Viber Business Messages and Viber Chatbots

Essential Tips to Master Communication With Customers in Real-Time

By following these tips, you can use Viber to improve your business’ customer service and make it more efficient, engaging and fun. 

1. Keep it personal. Address your customers by name and use personal pronouns when appropriate. This will help create a more personal connection.

2. Be responsive. Customers appreciate when businesses are responsive to their inquiries and concerns. Make sure to reply to messages in a timely manner. Instantly, when possible.

3. Be clear and concise. When communicating with customers, make sure to be clear and concise. This will help avoid any confusion and ensure that your message is communicated effectively.

4. Use rich media. Rich media, such as images, videos, and emojis, can help capture your customers’ attention and make your communication more engaging.

5. Take advantage of Viber’s features and benefit from one-to-one, personalized messages. Explore a variety of benefits of Viber Business Messages. You can add CTA buttons, attach files and send videos, keep interactive conversations from your verified official business account, collect data from the campaigns analytics, and more. 

There are thousands of businesses that have used Viber for Business solutions to improve their client service.

For example, D Express, an express courier service in Serbia, sent personalized delivery status updates using Viber business messages, and customers could reply to them directly to update the delivery schedule or redirect a shipment. It helped optimize the logistics and communication, while getting 300K messages delivered per month and improving delivery rate by 15%.

Another business, the Primer Group of Companies in the Philippines–which sells consumer goods from different brands–established its online presence for customers during the pandemic with Viber Business Messages, using it to send digital vouchers with codes for discounts. The result? Engaged customers with a 53% code redemption conversion rate and 401% increase in sales.

Viber offers businesses a messaging solution that is reliable, fast, and easy to use

If you’re not already using Viber for your business, you’re missing out on a powerful tool that can help you improve customer service and grow your business. Here’s why you should give Viber a try:

  • A rich set of features that are perfect for businesses

With Viber, you can send text, voice, and video messages, as well as share photos, documents, and other files. 

  • Trusted by businesses around the world

Viber is used by businesses of all sizes in a variety of industries. And it’s not just big names that are using Viber – startups are finding success with Viber, too.

  • Viber Business Messages and Viber Chatbots are easy to set up and use

You can get started with Viber Business Messaging Solutions really fast. And if you need help, our team is always available to answer your questions. 

  • Messaging for customer service is affordable

Viber is a cost-effective way to communicate with your customers and you get great value for your customer service budget.

  • Build engaging connections with your customers

It is the most important reason, of course. With Viber, you can reach your customers wherever they are. While Viber is available on all major platforms, you can be sure that your messages will always get through even if there is no internet access: there is an sms fallback options for situations like that.


Overall, Viber is an excellent choice and essential tool for businesses that are looking for a messaging solution with a focus on customer service. By staying in touch with clients and providing them with the information they need, businesses can create a better experience and build loyalty. If you’re ready to improve your customer service and grow your business, get in touch with us today.

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